About the College
The Prince Edward Island Dental College (PEIDC, the College) is a not-for-profit organization with the legislated mandate to regulate the practice of the profession of general dentists, dental specialists, and dental assistants for the province of PEI, in the public interest.
The practice of dental hygiene is regulated through the PEI College of Dental Hygienists.
In early 2023, dentistry in PEI became self-regulated under the Regulated Health Professions Act, along with the Dentists and Dental Assistants Regulations, leading to the formation of the PEI Dental College. Before this, dentists and dental assistants were governed by the Dental Profession Act. Those registered with the Dental Council of PEI automatically transitioned to membership in the PEIDC.
The mandate set out in the Regulated Health Professions Act, Regulations and College Bylaws is fulfilled by ensuring that only properly trained, qualified, and licensed dental professionals render dental care treatment, and that the treatment is of a reasonable standard.
The mandate of the College is to:
- Service and protect the public interest;
- Regulate the practice of the profession of dentistry in the province;
- Develop, establish, and maintain educational and entry-to-practice professional standards;
- Set continuing education and competency standards;
- Enforce ethical conduct, standards of practice, and continuing education and competency; and
- Investigate complaints against professionals working as dentists and dental assistants in PEI.
In everything we do, we adhere to our Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Access, and Anti-racism policy.
The College Council oversees the College's operations as per the Regulated Health Professions Act and Regulations, handling business through the appointed registrar.
The PEIDC Council consists of seven members: three registered dentists, one registered dental assistant, two public representatives, and the non-voting registrar. The Act and PEIDC Bylaws outline the Council's composition and responsibilities. More information
Current Council members
- Dr. Richard Holden, Dentist—College Registrar
- Dr. Alan J. Robinson, Dentist (National Dental Examining Board)—Chair
- Dr. Tara Thompson, Dentist—Vice Chair
- Dr. Motaz Jad, Dentist
- Wanda MacInnis, Dental Assistant
- Bernard Gillis—Public Representative
- Anna Bylhouwer—Public Representative